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Mooneys Gap, PPS members, Evergraze

The Perennial Pasture Systems (PPS) group was formed in mid 2007 and has had 197 farm businesses across Central Victoria and the Southern Wimmera join the group since its formation. PPS members are heavily involved in prime lamb, mutton and beef production. Cropping and export hay operations are also conducted on many PPS member farms.  PPS also has 35 members involved in agribusiness and agronomic services.

The aim of the group is to push the boundaries of perennial pasture research in our area and provide information on productive pasture management to members.

Image by Justin Wei

Membership of Perennial Pasture Systems is $66

($60 + GST)

per farm business annually, includes Girls & Grass participation.


The Perennial Pasture Systems (PPS) group was formed in mid 2007.  Read about our group involvement and the growth of PPS.



Keep up to date with Perennial Pasture Systems most recent projects and information.



       The 14th Annual Conference was held on Tuesday 5th September, 2023. 

             Over 120 people attended across the day.

           Themed; Rolling with extremes - Are you ready or just going steady?

Topics and Presenters:-

Pasture & Investment - Prof. Bill Malcolm; Melb Uni, Lisa Warn; Lisa Warn Ag Consulting,

                                                  Cam Morris; Ag Diagnotics.

Farm Employment - Carlyn Sherriff; Pinion Advisory & Stuart Robinson; Terrinallum Est

Shock Proofing the Farm System - Dr Kate Burke; Think Agri

Shock Proofing Our Farm System - Farmer Dan Jess; Ballyrogan

Presenter Panel - Facilitated by Tess McDougall; Ag Vic

Farm Tour - The beginning of the investment journey with Tom Brady from Jallukar Park Rhymney

          The conference day concluded with the Annual Meeting and dinner

                                                     at the Ararat RSL.


Who we are and what we have been up to.

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The Perennial Pasture Systems (PPS) group was formed in mid 2007 and has had 197 farm businesses across Central Victoria and the Southern Wimmera join the group since its formation. PPS members are heavily involved in prime lamb, mutton and beef production. Cropping and export hay operations are also conducted on many PPS members farms.  PPS also has 35 members involved in agribusiness and agronomic services.

The aim of the group is to push the boundaries of perennial pasture research in our area and provide information on productive pasture management to members.


In autumn 2009, PPS established three long term paddock demonstration sites. The focus is to test the performance of novel varieties against a proven long term producer.  The group also has an Evergraze Supporting Site near Ararat focusing on lucerne in one paddock, and phalaris direct drilled into a degraded pasture in another. 

A second PPS Evergraze Supporting Site was established in 2010 at Tottington near St Arnaud, which will trial pasture establishment methods in the drier north central area of Victoria.  A sub soil amelioration trial funded by the A. W. Howard trust was commenced in 2011.  PPS established a series of plant variety trials in 2012 funded by the Woolworths Fresh Food Future grants and Landcare Australia. 

Since 2012 PPS has also establised a variable lime application trial and implemented a Cocksfoot comparison monitoring project, as well as a long term pasture analysis which commenced at Greenfields, Glenlofty, with a long term economic and physical analysis to be undertaken.


During 2014, PPS commencement of pasture persistence project as part of MLA participatory research and established a joint pasture variety trial with Paradise Soil Health Group at Tottington. In 2016 PPS commenced a Gibberellic Acid demonstration project as part of the MLA EPDS program and in 2017, a high production annual forage project started which is looking at the use of annual grasses and grazing cereals in perennial grazing systems. The annuals project is part of the MLA PDS program.​​​

  • Quarterly newsletter.

  • Pasture workshops

  • Paddock walks & field days conducted at various times during the year.

  • A winter study tour to inspect leading farms in other areas.

  • An annual conference in September includes a seminar, farm tour followed by an annual dinner.

  • PPS Girls’&’Grass Group formed in 2016 for training, social and on farm activities.

About Us


Feeling isolated? Experiencing family challenges living in the workplace?  Wanting to learn more about family agriculture business? Or just looking for connections with like-minded rural women?  If this sounds familiar Girls & Grass maybe just what you need.

The Girls & Grass Advisory Group offer opportunities to socialise, learn and network with peers in a supportive, and friendly environment.  

Image by Justin Wei


Perennial Pasture Systems Management Committee


Craig Altmann, Horsham

Vice President 
Mathew Hall, Joel South

Duncan Thomas, Ararat


Lachie Green, Lake Fyans


  • Wayne Burton, Mt Dryden

  • Matt Kindred, Stawell

  • Hayden Price, Crowlands

  • Mal Nicholson, Concongella

  • Marc Stevens, Beaufort

  • Emma Goodall, ClunesMarc

PPS Project Manager – Rob Shea

Phone: 0438 521 357
Address: 6 Coad St Ararat 3377

Girls + Grass Facilitator – Debbie Shea

Phone: 0418 205 353


Thanks for getting in contact !

Girls + Grass 


Sue Maconachie, Ballyrogan 


  • Bianca Kilpatric, Great Western

  • Tricia Sweeney, Paradise

Perennial Pasture Systems PPS Logo


The information on this website has been prepared solely to disseminate information to the members of PPS and the community. The content has been created in good faith based on the information available at the time of publication. While reasonable care has been taken in producing these reports, the authors do not guarantee that the content is free from errors or omissions. The authors and PPS do not accept any liability for the content of this publication or for any loss, damage, cost, or expense incurred from relying on the information provided. Readers are responsible for evaluating the relevance and accuracy of the content on this website. Products may be identified by proprietary or trade names to assist readers, but this does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any product or manufacturer mentioned.

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